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Hemmendinger, eds., Encyclopedia of Computer Science, 4th edition, London: Nature Publishing Group, pp. Moor, eds., The Digital Phoenix: How Computers Are Changing Philosophy, Oxford: Basil Blackwell Publishers, pp. (1998), 'Assessing Artificial Intelligence and its Critics', in T.W. Fetzer, ed., Aspects of Artificial Intelligence, Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp. (1988), 'The Pseudorealization fallacy and the Chinese Room Argument', in J.H. Shapiro, ed., Encyclopedia of Artificial Intelligence, New York: John Wiley and Sons, pp.

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(1978), 'Explaining Computer Behavior', Philosophical Studies 34, pp. (1976), 'An Analysis of the Turing test', Philosophical Studies 30, pp. (1973), 'On the Point of the Imitation Game', Mind 82, pp. (1996), 'Turing's Test and Conscious Thought', in P. (1969), Machine Intelligence, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. Mars, ed., Towards Very Large Knowledge Bases. (1995), 'Steps to Sharing Knowledge', in N.J.I. (1995), 'CYC: A large-scale investment in Knowledge infrastructure', Communications of the ACM 38, pp. (1995), 'Artificial Intelligence', Scientific American, pp. (1990), 'CYC: Toward Programs with Common Sense', Communications of the ACM 33, pp. Turing: Mechanical Intelligence, Amsterdam: North Holland. (1995), 'Turing Test Considered Harmful', Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, pp. (2001), 'Look who's moving the goal posts now', Minds and Machines 11, pp. (1991), 'Other Bodies, Other Minds: A Machine Incarnation of an Old Philosophical Problem', Minds and Machines 1, pp. (1994), 'Enabling agents to work together', Communications of the ACM 37, pp. (1994), 'Turing's Sexual Guessing Game', Social Epistemology 8, pp. (1990), 'Subcognition and the limits of the Turing test', Mind 99, pp. (1998), 'On Computational Wings: Rethinking the Goals of Artificial Intelligence', Scientific American Presents 9, pp. (2001), 'The Cartesian test for automatism', Minds and Machines 11, pp. (2000), 'The Turing test', Minds and Machines 10, pp.

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Mugglegton, eds., Machine Intelligence, Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. (1999), 'A Lecture and Two Radio Broadcasts on Machine Intelligence by Alan Turing', in K. 'Turing-like indistinguishability tests for the validation of a computer simulation of paranoid processes', Artificial Intelligence 3, pp. (1981), 'Modeling a paranoid mind', Behavioral and Brain Sciences 4, pp. (2001), 'Creativity, the Turing test and the (better) Lovelace test', Minds and Machines 11, pp. Smith, eds., Thinking: An Invitation to Cognitive Science, Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press, pp. (1990), 'The Computer Model of the Mind', in D.N. (1981), 'Psychologism and behaviorism', Philosophical Review 90, pp.

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