The executives at Nickelodeon greatly disliked the concept of the story and were loath to approve the story, which was felt to be inappropriate for children.

Kricfalusi developed the idea of the Happy Helmet that enslaves Ren, and to make the focus of the story Ren's struggle for freedom. Kricfalusi changed the focus on the story as Camp stated that he told him: "Look, why don't we have him have a real fit and go insane at one point, and then Stimpy decides he's going to make an invention that's going to cure Ren?". Camp later stated that Kricfalusi "fell in love with the idea, that he constantly refined everything in it to the point of ridiculousness, until everything was perfect". John Kricfalusi was greatly taken with Camp's idea. The story had its origins in 1990 when Bob Camp developed the idea of a story called Stimpy's Inventions in which Ren serves as an unwilling guinea pig for Stimpy's impractical inventions. The episode had a very troubled production, taking a year to complete from the beginning of production in February 1991 until it aired a year later in February 1992. Free of the Happy Helmet, an extremely livid Ren attacks Stimpy and then decides that being angry and unhappy makes him truly happy, and thanks Stimpy for it. While Stimpy is distracted dancing to his favorite song, Ren uses a hammer to smash in the Happy Helmet and his own head. Ren and Stimpy dance manically to The Happy Happy Joy Joy Song. The song by the Burl Ives-like folk singer, Stinky Whizzleteats, consists of Whizzleteats making nonsensical statements at random and mindlessly repeating the line "happy happy joy joy". In an attempt to make Ren feel even more happier, Stimpy plays a record of his favorite song, The Happy Happy Joy Joy Song. Reduced down to a slave, Ren performs various duties for Stimpy while steadily losing his mind.

Stimpy places via subterfuge the Happy Helmet on Ren's head that forces him very much against his will to be happy.

Concerned that Ren is unhappy in life as he struggles in rage while trapped in Stimpy's glue-filled Stay-Put socks, Stimpy invents a Happy Helmet to ensure that Ren will always be happy. Stimpy – portrayed here as more intelligent than usual – goes on a spree of creating useless and impractical inventions, which enrages Ren. It originally aired on Nickelodeon in the United States on February 23, 1992. " Stimpy's Invention" is the final episode from the first season of The Ren & Stimpy Show. Animation cel used for its' most famous scene, "Happy Happy Joy Joy"